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Expense approval workflow with Alerts

Captio news, Breaking news timer 1 min.
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And here's another new service for this frenetic week, once again related to the Captio Administrator Portal. We've incorporated Captio's automatic alerts for expense policy non-compliance into the claim approval workflow.

This new function means you can synchronise all the people involved in reporting and approving your company's expenses more effectively. Team members report their expenses from their Captio personal accounts. These are then filtered automatically, detecting any receipts that don't comply with company policy, as defined by the supervisor. Finally, the expenses are sent to the supervisor, with information on which ones have activated alerts and why. The supervisor has all the information, duly ordered with the problematic receipts perfectly flagged. Deciding whether a claim should be approved or rejected is just a click away.

Expense approval workflow with Alerts

Moreover, both the expense generator and checker are also perfectly informed, at all times, of the status of the process, with alerts for any changes in status being sent directly to their email inbox.

In short, this new function ensures a more effective expense claim approval workflow that drastically reduces the amount of checking required. It also speeds up the approval process, keeping those making expense claims happy: they can be reimbursed faster.

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